In a landmark announcement that’s set to transform the landscape of content creation, Telegram has unveiled its plan to start paying channel owners a whopping 50% share of ad revenue. This strategic move not only aligns Telegram with platforms like YouTube, which offers a 55% ad revenue share to creators, but also marks a significant shift towards rewarding the efforts of its vast community of content creators.
The introduction of this ad revenue sharing model is scheduled for this month and will utilize the TON blockchain for the distribution of payments, ensuring fast and secure transactions. Channel owners can look forward to receiving their share in Toncoin, the native cryptocurrency of the TON blockchain, which saw a nearly 40% surge in value following the announcement.
This initiative is a part of Telegram’s broader vision to support and incentivize content creation on its platform. With over 800 million monthly active users, Telegram’s potential for monetization is immense, and by tapping into just 10% of the one trillion views generated monthly on broadcast channels, the platform is poised to create a new era of digital marketing and content creation.
As a tech enthusiast and a creator myself, I see this as a pivotal moment for all of us who have invested time and energy into building our channels on Telegram. It’s an opportunity to turn our passion into profit and to continue delivering high-quality content to our audience, now with the added benefit of a sustainable revenue stream.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development, and if you’re a channel owner on Telegram, prepare to harness the power of your content like never before!